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Life is not a bed of rose. Therefore, there come days that are filled with discontentment. You feel at your worst. It feels like the whole world is conspiring against you. The one who you trusted so much is not ever ready to be by your side. You feel so lonely and don’t know what to do. And as always, you end up practicing intoxication. This gives you relief from those stresses and tension, but temporarily. So, with every passing day, you become more and more depressed. At your lonely times, you might have thought of getting over this heart-wrenching situation. But you don’t know how to deal with this. Your entire focus is shifted to the problems so much that it becomes hard for you to find out the solution. Everyone, at some point in another, faces situations like this. It is foremost to go to the root of the problem in order to better deal with it. This will enable you to solve the issue for good. There are few chakras within you. When the chakras work with a natural rhythm, you f...